‘INSTANT’ Digital photograph pressed on decota 162x387cm  (40 x (30x45cm))  2015

instant' 40x(30x45cm) 2015

The Conceptual Description of the Artwork

The admiration I feel for the tempting qualities of the night atmosphere forms the foundation of my composition-like works that resulted from the tentative shots I made.

Every frame, that I captured in specific exposures, which we immediately dismiss from our minds as the “Instant”, is formed by the sense of rhythm in and off itself and is the outlet of my narratives.

While dynamic energy forms an erratic motion in the urban context, the narratives of mine it contains are identical in what they make one feel uniquely. That it possesses all the feelings that arise from the attractive interactions of this energy by combining yesterday and today with rhythm has been expressed essentially as a reflection of our contradicting lives.